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Getting Started Projects - CAD
In this lesson group you will learn about Mastercam’s 2D geometry creation tools. Knowledge of these tools are essential for many CAD and CAM features...

Tour the Interface
Here you will learn all about Mastercam’s Interface, ribbon navigation, mouse functionality, menus, hot keys and much more. This is essential lesson group to all...

Additional Interface Functions
This group is a deeper dive into Mastercam’s state of the art interface. Covering features that are a “must have” for serious Mastercam users.

File Menu/Backstage
In this group, we cover the File Menu, also referred to as “The Back Stage” - this is where all of you file functions are...

Views, Planes and WCS
In this lesson group, you will learn how to create planes in Mastercam. The (T)ool Plane, The (C)onstruction Plane, (G)raphics view and the WCS (Work...

Analyze Tools
Learn all about Mastercam’s many ways to analyze 2D and 3D wireframe, solid model integrity, model draft angle analysis, toolpaths and more. It is critical...

Geometry Selection and Chaining
In this lesson group, learn all about Mastercam’s many geometry geometry selection methods and chaining which is key to most everything you do in Mastercam.

Points, Lines, Rectangles and Rectangular Shapes
In this group, learn how to use the CAD functions - Lines, Rectangles and Rectangular Shapes. These tools are essential building blocks to creating 2D...

Arcs and Circles
In this group, learn how to use the CAD functions for creating Arcs of all types within Mastercam.

Fillets, Chamfers and Splines
In this group we will show you how to use the Fillet, Chamfer and Spline functions.

Trim, Break and Extend Wireframe
In this group, learn how to use the CAD functions for trimming, breaking and extending 2D and 3D wireframe geometry.

Additional Wireframe tools
In this group, learn how to use some additional and essential wireframe / geometry tools available in Mastercam.

Sketcher Projects
This group contains some Sketcher projects for you to explore Mastercam’s basic 2D CAD tools.

Transform Functions
In this lesson group, you will learn how to use Mastercam’s powerful transformation tools. You will be able to move, copy, scale, mirror, project, stretch...

Intro to Surface Modeling
This Introductory lesson group explains the basics of surface modeling in Mastercam. These tools will help you get started creating basic 3D shapes using the...

This lesson group teaches you the built in drafting tools that are in Mastercam. These tools will help you create more effective setup sheets, shop...

This lesson group covers Mastercam Geometry Nesting. Toolpaths can then be applied to the nested layout. There is also "Toolpath Nesting" which is a toolpath...

Toolpath and Machining Management
In this lesson, you will learn about Toolpath machining and management that is necessary for all CAM functionality within Mastercam.

Toolpath Introduction
In this lesson group, you will learn about selecting the CNC machine, setting the machine group properties, 2D and 3D chaining, Solid chaining, linking parameters...